Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hidden Menu - An Excellent Utility

Let's talk about your computer's desktop. Is it covered with shortcut icons to launch programs...and/or do you have launch icons in your system tray? I know that is probably true for most of you. I know I used to do the same thing. I had icons on my desktop that I hadn't used in a long time.

I tried moving my most important icons into the Quick Launch tray on the task bar, but found that it got too crowded. So I decided to look for a utility that would allow me to store my program icons unobtrusively, but would be there immediately when I needed it.

I found a wonderful free program called, "Hidden Menu" that does exactly what I wanted. It stores all of my most used programs in a menu that is hidden from view. To see the menu, I just move my mouse pointer to the upper left hand corner of the screen and Hidden Menu opens right up, allowing me to launch the program I want.

Hidden Menu has a variety of user options including what locations you want to have it open when you move your mouse there. I chose the upper left hand corner as there are useful icons already in the other three corners. But you could have the upper left and lower right if you wanted.

Getting the icons into Hidden Menu is also just drag and drop them from your desktop. After dropping them into Hidden Menu, I just delete the original icon from the desktop. I then go into Hidden Menu and edit what I need, such as the title I want to be seen when the menu opens or move the icons around so that similar programs are grouped together. That's all you need to do.

To prepare for Hidden Menu, I just analyzed what programs I use the most and want to be easily available for a fast launch. If they are not on the desktop to drag and drop, I use the [Start] [Programs] buttons to find the program, then right click on it and select [Send To] [Desktop], which then puts a shortcut icon for the program on to the desktop. Again, after dragging it to Hidden Menu, I delete it from the desktop.

I still use the Quick Launch on my task bar for programs I use several times a day, such as e-mail and Internet browsers. I also have Excel and Word there because I use them several times a day.

Check out Hidden Menu and see if it is for you. To get your free copy, go to:

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