Saturday, January 07, 2006

Best of the Free Software

I love freebies!! Especially when the freebies are useful. Over the years, I have downloaded lots of free software, many of which are or were very useful. Right now, on my computer, there are several free software programs that I use continually.

For instance, my e-mail software is Thunderbird and my Web browser is Firefox, both made by Mozilla and both were free. I have another program that reads blank CD's and DVD's and tells me who manufactured them to make sure I don't get stuck with some low grade product. Another program I use is similar to Windows Explorer, but it lets me look at two directories at the same time. Still another program I use does mass updating of file names in one fell swoop (very handy for wedding photo files). All these and more were all free.

As I have mentioned before here, one of the top downloading sites on the net is They have put together a large list of their best software products that are free and have absolutely no strings attached. The list is in categories including: Audio/Video, Business, Design/Photo, Desktop Enhancements, Developer Tools, Games, Home/Education, Internet, Utilities, and MAC Software.

Head over to their website when you have a chance and check out the list. I would be surprised if you didn't find something that can be useful for you. The link is:

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