Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Google Notebook for Firefox and IE

Sorry you have not heard from me for a few days. I just haven't had the time to write or do any research. The art season is beginning soon and I am busy getting ready for that plus throw in a wedding shoot last Saturday and a few other things and the result is not much time for doing fun things like writing this blog.

Recently, I came across a browser add-on that you may find useful. It is from Google and is called "Google Notebook." In fact, Google Notebook is more than just an add-on...it is also a Web tool you can use without an add-on. But the add-on makes it more useful to use to add notes and bookmarks in a small, closeable, separate window while you are browsing or doing your research on the Internet.

First, you must have a free Google account to use the extension. Once you sign up, you can download the free add-on. It puts a small icon down at the bottom of your web browser. By clicking on it, you can expand it to add notes or bookmark a page that you want to come back to. Notebook is a Web-based product so that you can access your notes on any computer at any time by just logging into your Google account.

And, Notebook does not limit you to just one notebook. You can create several notebooks, each with a specific subject. For instance, I can have one notebook just for research for my blog, and another notebook for information about photography. And since I use three different computers for almost all my work, having access to all my notes no matter which computer I use is a real bonus.

Recently, a fellow by the name of Mitch Keeler made his own version of the Google Notebook that opens in a sidebar of Firefox. To me, this made the program even better (especially on my wide screen monitor at home) as it expands the viewable area of my notebook...and it is always on the screen, if you desire. To use it, you need to visit his Web page and follow the simple instructions.

To learn more, visit the Google Notebook home page...then take a quick tour of the product to get ideas how to best use it to your advantage.

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