Monday, June 01, 2009

Latest Updates on Windows 7

Two Words about Windows 7: Higher Prices

Technically speaking, Windows 7 is exactly what Microsoft needs in order to recover from its Vista fiasco. Too bad the company seems to want to shoot itself in the foot.

Are you ready to ditch XP for Windows 7?

According to NetApplications, Windows XP is still the OS of choice for users out there in ComputerLand, with some two-thirds of users still making use of the aging OS. If you are an XP user, has what you’ve seen of Windows 7 made you willing to ditch XP?

Experts: Gumblar attack is alive, worse than Conficker

Gumblar, a new attack that compromises Web sites, has added new domain names that are downloading malware onto unsuspecting computers, stealing FTP credentials to compromise more sites, and tampering with Web traffic,

Skype 4.1 beta: Share your Windows screen

Skype's screen sharing feature is a clever addition to the VoIP communications application. In our tests it was engaging, especially when paired with Skype's voice calling and chatting capabilities.

CopyPasteTool 1.0 (Windows), from CopyPasteTool

Free small tool for pasting several pieces of text from clipboard without popup user-interface. It extends behavior of standard clipboard hotkeys CTRL+C and CTRL+V. When this tool is running user can press CTRL+V a several times (hold down CTRL) for accessing to previous clipboard values.

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