Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from Sunny Tucson

What Not to Buy in 2009

Before you whip out that wallet and spit-polish your plastic, you'll want to make certain that you don't get punked by your own holiday shopping missteps.

Google Chrome OS Preview

There is no company that could and likely will damage Microsoft as effectively as Google. Put simply Google Chrome OS is an important platform to watch. Here's what Google revealed this past week.

Amazon Rolls Out Improvements To Kindle 2

Amazon has upgraded its Kindle 2 e-book reader, bringing the device more on par with its Kindle DX. Amazon's improved Kindle 2 features a longer battery life, wide-screen viewing and a software upgrade that supports PDF viewing and rotation.

Our Favorite Blogs 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine

Blogs—everybody's got one, and most of them are terrible. Thankfully, we've read every single blog on the Internet, so you don't have to—okay, that's not actually entirely true, but we have culled together a list of favorites from our staff, which is really the next best thing, as far as we're concerned.

Automatically disable your touchpad while you type with TouchFreeze

One thing about laptops that drives a lot of my customers nuts is the touchpad. If I had a nickel for every time someone brought a laptop in complaining that their mouse pointer suddenly jumped somewhere else on the screen and messed up their typing, I'd have at least $10.15.

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