Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Earthquakes and Social Media

Tech-Savvy Chile Embraces Social Media

Since Saturday's quake, traditional media here have focused on hard news -- death tolls, rescue efforts, government announcements and images of lootings -- while social-networking tools such as Twitter, Facebook and some Google applications have been at the forefront of transmitting highly localized information

What enterprise still uses IE 6? Try Intel

Internet Explorer 6 is a relic, but corporations continue to cling to it. At this point, IE 6 in the enterprise is common, but it’s nonetheless surprising when Intel—Microsoft’s long-time partner—is still using the ancient browser.

Security expert: U.S. would lose cyber war

The U.S. government, if confronted in a cyber war today, would not come out on top, a former U.S. director of national intelligence said Tuesday. "If the nation went to war today, in a cyber war, we would lose," Mike McConnell told a U.S. Senate committee. "We're the most vulnerable. We're the most connected. We have the most to lose."

Confessions of a Windows 7 pirate

In the interest of research, I’ve been digging into message boards and forums run by unabashed Windows enthusiasts who are intent on breaking Microsoft’s activation technology.

Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D

What happens when you point the Hubble Space Telescope to a seemingly blank patch of sky? A view that takes you to the edge of the universe! Fantastic video...don't miss it. I recently went to a lecture that talks about the different types of galaxies in this video.

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