Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Day for Photographers and Artists

Adobe Unleashes Photoshop CS5

After building up anticipation by releasing sneak peeks at upcoming features such as Content-Aware Fill and Puppet Warp, Adobe has unveiled Photoshop CS5, the latest version of its popular image editing program.

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Unleashed Roundup

Creative Suite 5 (CS5), for both Mac and Windows, injects many of Adobe's existing killer apps—such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash—with some mind-boggling new capabilities, and introduces a new program or two you may not have known you needed.

Microsoft's Kin: What it is--and isn't

Today, Microsoft introduced its newest phone, the Kin. The short and squat Kin One and the wider-screened Kin Two are two shapes for the same idea--the mobile phone for those who want to broadcast their every thought, sight, and sound--"lifecasters," as Microsoft's Robbie Bach called them. Although many phones have Facebook or Twitter applications, social networking is at the heart of the Kin. Sharing has its own dedicated green button and is at the center of the Kin experience.

Adobe Flash evangelist: 'Go screw yourself Apple'

A blog post by Adobe Flash platform evangelist Lee Brimelow has brought more fire to what's become a very public fight between Apple and Adobe over the inclusion of Flash and other Adobe technologies in Apple's portable devices.

52 Useful Firefox Add-Ons for Photographers

Photography may have existed long before personal computers, but these days photographers spend a lot of time using computers for their work. You can make that work easier by taking advantage of these Firefox add-ons for photography.

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