Friday, May 07, 2010

More on Keeping Safe in Facebook

How to Keep Your Privacy Safe(r) on Facebook

I'm not ready to give up on Facebook yet, like my friend Jason Perlow, but I can understand why he's sick to death of it. The simple truth is that Facebook takes lousy care of your personal information and is happy to sell it to advertisers at the drop of a hat.

FCC details plan to reassert authority over Internet

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday detailed plans for its so-called "third way" to reclassify broadband service as a telecommunications service, which would help the agency reassert its authority for regulating the Internet, after it lost an important legal battle last month.

Microsoft Readies for Light May Patch Tuesday

Microsoft recommends customers prepare for the testing and deployment of both bulletins as soon as possible. Microsoft expects that the patch for Windows will require a restart, and warned that the Office patch may potentially require one as well.

Voyager 2 stops making sense

Voyager 2, which has been traveling through the solar system since the late '70s, has suffered a data formatting glitch that is preventing NASA from interpreting the content of its scientific data transmissions. Control and diagnostic transmissions are unaffected, which should enable the engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to troubleshoot the problem, provided they're patient—it currently takes nearly 13 hours for transmissions from Earth to catch up with the probe.

VoxOx (Windows) Free

VoxOx by TelCentris is the only service that unifies all of your communication channels voice, video, IM, text, social media, e-mail, fax and content sharing into a single, intuitive interface, giving you full control of your interconnected lifestyle.

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