Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Facebook Now One of the Largest Countries in the World

Facebook's half-billion milestone is official

One of the most hyped and least surprising tech industry milestones of the past few years is finally official: Facebook announced midmorning on Wednesday that it has reached 500 million active users around the world, an unprecedented number for a social-networking site.

Amazon Sells More E-Books Than Hardcover Copies

The introduction of Apple's iPad appears to have had little effect on's sales of Kindle e-readers. In fact, Kindle sales grew each month in the second quarter as Amazon lowered the price. And Amazon reports customers are buying more e-books than hard covers. An analyst predicted the decline of brick-and-mortar bookstores.

Microsoft says Windows 7 Service Pack 1 due in first half 2011

Let me say upfront that this statement doesn’t necessarily mean that Microsoft won’t deliver SP1 this year. The Windows team is still chanting the underpromise/overdeliver mantra. With recent Windows releases, the team has provided estimated delivery dates that were considerably later than what they expected they could achieve, in order to make sure there were no (public) missed ship dates.

Chrome 6: What made the cut--and what missed it

Want the ability to print preview in Chrome? Me, too. But we'll have to wait, because it's one of the features that didn't make the Chrome 6 cut.

Duplicate Cleaner - Find Duplicate Files

Duplicate cleaner is a useful program to help you organize the contents of your home hard drive or corporate network. You'd be surprised just how many redundant or duplicate files you could find forgotten in an obscure documents folder. Duplicate Cleaner will deep scan for all types of files - photos, music, films/video, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, text files - you name it, if it appears twice on your computer then Duplicate Cleaner will find it.

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