Monday, October 25, 2010

Windows 7: Past, Present and Future

Windows 7, one year later: How's Microsoft doing? And what's next?

This week, Windows 7 celebrates its first birthday. In my original review, I called Windows 7 “as close to an essential upgrade as I have ever seen,” and I predicted that it would improve with age. A year later, I can already see many of those improvements.

Microsoft says Windows 8 roughly two years away

In its most concrete comments yet about the next version of Windows, Microsoft said in a blog post on its Dutch Web site that Windows 8 is about two years from hitting the market.

Facebook Privacy Failure: Latest in Long Line of Blunders

In the latest episode of the gang that couldn't get privacy straight, it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal that many of Facebook's popular applications were unintentionally transmitting the names of the social network's members and, in some cases, their friends' names to dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies.

The Greatest Tech Battles of All Time

We've broken down some of our favorites from over the years to see how Jobs vs. Google/RIM stacks up. Let's just say that nothing puts a verbal tiff into perspective quite like watching some grainy footage of a circus elephant getting electrocuted on Coney Island.

Productivity Software: Best of 2010

Put more productivity into your day with superb software such as the Google Chrome browser, and protect your PCs with Microsoft Security Essentials or Norton Antivirus 2011, among other top choices.

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