Monday, December 13, 2010

Costco Says Bye-Bye to Apple

You do it Apple’s way or you don’t do it at all. So Costco said adios and thanks for the memories. I commend Costco for telling them where they can stick their overpriced products.

But more seriously, I have included an update on multi-leveled attacks against Wikileaks. This is not about espionage…it is more about Freedom of Speech. It’s the US government trying force its will against us knowing what goes on behind the scenes. It harkens back to the days of Richard Nixon and his plumbers, using the IRS and other dirty tricks to attack his enemies. If these modern tricks were in use back then, we would have never known about Watergate.

The government wants to use the 1917 “Espionage Act” (created during time of war) to go after Wikileaks, saying Julian Assange is not a journalist, but a spy. He is currently is imprisoned in Britain for supposed sexual molestation charges in Sweden. But his supporters are fighting back with questionable modern technology by attacking Web sites of Wikileaks enemies. Make no mistake about it…this is an all-out war and we, the people of the United States, may turn out to be the losers. Watch this story carefully and judge for yourself. – JRC 

Update:The Winds of WikiLeaks' War

WikiLeaks' Cablegate release has instigated a Web battle. On one side, high-profile organizations like credit card companies have refused to do business with the site; on the other, WikiLeaks supporters have carried out a series of reprisal DDoS attacks.

Costco confirms it will stop selling Apple products

The Seattle Times says the split is mutual and notes that, unlike some of the deals made with other large-scale Apple resellers, Costco was never allowed to sell Apple's products through its own online store. The post also highlights that Costco's sales of Apple products did not venture further than offering slightly discounted iPods and packs of iTunes gift cards.

Three Trillion Pigs Down, Angry Birds Keeps Thriving

A silly diversion where birds do ceaseless battle with pigs has become a pop-culture phenomenon. The Angry Birds smartphone app has been downloaded some 12 million times, with another 30 million downloads of its free app, which makes money through ads. The one-year anniversary of the game's debut has been dubbed "Angry Birds Day."

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010

Whether it's before, during, or after you shoot, we've posted some awesome photography tips, tricks, and hacks this year. Here are the most popular for 2010.

AOL You've Got News app offers a slick reading experience in Google Chrome

Harkening back to days of yore, it's You've Got News. Unlike the New York Times app Seb showed you, You've Got News is a locally installed app -- not a link to a remotely hosted Web site. The app actually feels a bit like reading the newspaper: use your left and right arrow keys to flip through the main sections and your up and down keys to peruse a section's individual pages. You can also click on background pages in the margins to bring them into focus.

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