Thursday, August 30, 2012

Windows 8..Like it ‘Cause You Got No Choice

I was afraid this would happen. Microsoft is going forward with this all-new operating system concept…and you, me, and computer manufacturers are stuck with it. Your only choice is to stay with your current Windows system, or move to Apple or Linux.

Staying with Windows 7 is a good option for now (XP is already obsolete) and that is what I plan to do. But what happens when you or I need a new computer? Not only will our choice of operating systems be limited, but computer manufacturers are coming out with systems designed especially for Windows 8.

For instance, Samsung announced new computers that are both laptops and tablets (and boy, are the prices outrageous). Other manufacturers will be putting out desktop systems with touch screen interfaces. Our second story talks about what manufacturers are doing.

Meanwhile, our first story talks about where Microsoft is headed…and they will not be backing off their current track. And while we can stay with Windows 7 for now, it won’t be long before they start producing products that will only run in Windows 8 or later. So, in short, for all of us, its Microsoft’s way or the highway.

So while most of us may not upgrade to Windows 8, we are only a small piece of Microsoft’s income. The big bucks come from the sales of new computers where they may be no choice for an operating system. So, like it or lump it, most of us may be headed eventually for Windows 8 or its successor. Apple anyone?

Surprisingly, there are a few positive stories mixed in here, so let’s get going. -JRC 

Windows 8: Hate It Already? Why Waiting for Windows 9 Won't Help

Conventional Windows wisdom seems to hold that every other version of Windows is terrible and needs to be fixed by whatever version comes after that. Does this mantra sound familiar? Unless you're willing to embrace the changes Microsoft is making in Windows 8, be prepared to stick with your current version of Windows for a long time.

This Is Why Your Windows 8 Computer Will Be Unlike Anything You've Ever Used Before

It's pretty clear PC makers haven't quite figured out what to do with Windows 8 yet. It'll take some time. Meanwhile, we're going to see a lot of experimentation with hardware designs.

Windows 8 Tip: Dual-Boot with Windows 7

Here's a thought...since Windows 8 will only be $40, you could set up a dual-boot on your Windows 7 machine and have both. Just a thought...

Publishers to pay $69 million over e-book price-fixing allegations

The companies signed the agreement with 54 attorneys general across U.S. states, districts, and territories. Hope we start seeing price reductions soon.

Kindle Fire 'sold out' as new model looms

The tablet is no longer available through Amazon. And the timing of the news is intriguing, what with a new Kindle Fire reportedly to debut next week.

How Secure Are You Online: The Checklist

Everyone who uses a computer has a horse in the security race. For the purpose of this post, we're breaking down online security into four essential parts: passwords, browsers, at-home Wi-Fi and networking, and browsing on public Wi-Fi. Within those categories we'll give you a checklist of everything you should do.

How Secure Is the Cloud, Really?

The hack attack on journalist Mat Honan underscored some of the weak points infiltrators can use to slip past cloud systems' security. Those insecurities can effect companies as well as individuals.

ESPN delivers College Football companion app to iOS and Android

If you're a football fan, then we don't have to tell you that college football kicks off this Thursday. But perhaps you have yet to find the perfect app for your smart phone or tablet to keep you informed during the fifteen solid hours of football this Saturday.

Free Audio Converter

We've tried tons of freeware MP3 converters. They tend to fall somewhere in between Easy Enough for Beginners and Feature-Filled for Experts. DVDVideoSoft's Free Audio Converter definitely registers on the "Easy" end of the dial

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