Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Should You Be Nervous About Comcast Merger? Hell Yes!

I’ve been reading and listening to reports about the Comcast purchase of Time Warner Cable. And they make me very nervous. The bottom line is that one of the most hated companies in all of America will control not only what we see on TV, but more importantly, the will control the flow information on the Internet.

There are already reports that they are throttling the speed of Netflix across the Net, even though they have a written agreement that they will not do it. These folks already have a monopoly on cable in the areas they serve. It was given to them by our own government to help them protect their investment in equipment.

The problem is there equipment is already outdated when compared to fiber optic equipment. But, by having a monopoly, they have no need to invest in modern, up-to-date Internet equipment. That is why the US is falling further and further behind in Internet speeds. Monopolies kill any need for innovation in favor of lining their own pockets. 

Our hope is that the FCC will not approve the merger, but remember the chairman of the FCC is a former cable guy…and Comcast has enough money and power in DC that they just might get this through the system. Many experts are predicting that this exactly what will happen. I hope the folks in Washington have the guts to say no…but don’t count on it.

As always, there is more to this edition than just Comcast, so I hope you will find some good things here. -JRC


News and Opinions

Comcast takeover of Time Warner Cable 'will throttle choice on the web'

Angry consumer groups say proposed $45.2bn mega-deal will drive up costs for millions – and call on FCC to block takeover

Why you should be scared of Comcast and Time Warner Cable merging

If the move is approved by federal regulators, it could cement the kind of monolithic monopolies that have plagued cable subscribers all along, raising concerns over net neutrality and competition in the marketplace.

Google, Microsoft, others form group to expand Wi-Fi

A mission statement describes the coalition as "ad hoc, broad-based group of companies, organizations and public sector institutions working to alleviate the Wi-Fi spectrum crunch and to support making Wi-Fi even better by finding more unlicensed spectrum.

Passwords which cannot be hacked by hackers ever

A computer scientist in Dubai has managed to program a new way, “geographical passwords” in order to help and protect the online accounts so that hackers can’t be able to access.

Windows 7 to be Available on Consumer PCs Through October

Microsoft revealed today that it will allow PC makers to continue preinstalling Windows 7 on new consumer PCs through October 31, 2014. Left unsaid, however, is when it will cut off Windows 7 preinstalls on business PCs.


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How to Fix a Computer that Keeps Waking Up

In this tip, I will describe several settings in your system that may keep waking up your PC. The discussion is for Windows Vista/7. You will generally need administrator privileges to make system changes.

Four Creative Uses for Your Old SD Cards

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