Thursday, March 06, 2014

A Few Notes About Computer Security

You may have lately noticed an increase in stories about computer security…or a lack there of. Only two days ago we had a story about 300,000 routers being compromised. Over the holidays, we heard about millions of credit cards numbers being stolen at Target and other stores. Then there were the thousands of computer owners who were blackmailed for money after hackers scrambled their computers. The list goes on.

In light of the recently concluded RSA security conference, I thought it was time to feature a few stories about computer security, both for our desktops and laptops…and our portable devices.

Our first story is about the conference itself and what the author learned. Highly recommended to get an overview of our dangerous digital world. And you find more stories including a rundown on the best anti-malware solutions and other tips to keep you as safe as possible. The Internet has become a slippery slope for all of us, so you best take steps to protect yourself.

We have a few good stories and tips not involving security, so read on and become a little more knowledgeable. –JRC


News and Opinions

Notes from the RSA Conference on security

Long gone are the days when PC security mostly meant installing anti-virus software and keeping it updated. Today, the digital assault on our money and privacy is expanding and changing at a truly mind-boggling pace.

PC shipments to keep falling through 2018

Although shipments worldwide were slightly higher than expected last year, IDC's forecast shows things taking a turn for the worse.

Skype rolls out to users worldwide

To enable Skype integration with your account, first download and install the necessary plugin. After the installation completes, you're prompted to open your account.

Flipboard buys Zite from CNN to quash a rival

Zite will fade away as a standalone app, as Flipboard folds the rival's recommendation tech into its own news reader. This makes me sad as I find Zite to be more usefule the Flipboard.

Target's data breach tab mostly covered by insurance so far

Target's data breach related expenses in the fourth quarter were $61 million, but $44 million was covered by insurance. The company said it doesn't have a read on costs going forward.


Computer Tips and Tricks

The Best Free Antivirus for 2014

There are plenty of free choices, and because they are free, you can take the time to consider what's the best free solution for your situation.

10 Things You Need to Know About Digital Security

The SecurityWatch team shares the ten most important lessons they learned at this year's RSAC security conference. You can't afford to ignore any of them.

The Best Tax Software for 2014

It's time to e-file your 2013 taxes; whether you're willing to pay or you want a stripped-down free service, we've got the right solution for you.

9 must-do's if you must stick with Windows XP

Without updates after April 8 Windows XP is expected to fall prey to any number of zero-day attacks for which Microsoft will provide no defense, but there are some things die-hard XP users can do to make their machines safer.

Microsoft Provides Free Data Transfer Tool to XP Users

This tool will copy your files, music, videos, email and user profiles and settings from your old PC to your new device, transferring across your home or work network, and even enables Windows XP users to customize exactly what they want to bring over to their new device.


Mobile Computing

Get Organized: Make the Most of iOS 7

Exploring iOS 7? Since you've got your iPhone on your mind, why not take a moment to clean it up, help preserve the battery, and take a few other steps to keep your device in good working order.

Verizon has most reliable cellular network in test, AT&T has the fastest

A nationwide test of the four major US carriers' cellular networks puts Verizon Wireless and AT&T in a near-tie in most categories, with Sprint and T-Mobile lagging well behind their bigger rivals.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Android

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an app that will make using your device safer. With a recent update to the app, now you can tailor the level of protection and how and when you are notified about the process.

Evernote Gets A Big Update To v5.8 With Handwriting Support

Evernote is one of the premiere note taking apps on Android and it's getting a big update today. Version 5.8 improves support for notes made on other platforms and brings some new features to the Android app.

The 10 Best Tablets

Looking for something to bridge the gap between laptop and smartphone? These ten top-rated tablets fit the bill.

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