Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Windows XP Died Today…or Did It?

I’ve warned you for months that this day was coming. It’s the end of life for Windows XP, at least as far as Microsoft is concerned. They delivered their last set of updates and patches this morning. If you want to pay a rather steep price, they will still offer you support. Don’t bother…for that kind of money you can upgrade to Windows 7.

Because so many of my readers are still running XP, I have a special section of this blog devoted to the end of XP. I hope those of you who still have it will take a good look at the articles so you know where you stand. Be aware that some bad guys are really ready to pounce on your computer. While it is still quite possible to run XP, I do recommend that you upgrade to Windows 7. I once had 2 computers running XP and upgraded both to Windows 7 without any issues. And, don’t even think of upgrading to Windows 8.1. Your computer is too old.

And speaking of 8.1, while XP died, Microsoft released Windows 8.1 Upgrade to those folks running 8.1. Its an auto upgrade so you don’t have to do a thing. My Windows 8.1 laptop has been on all day waiting for the update, but it hasn’t shown up yet. I went to the Microsoft Web site to see how I could hurry things along and found they are rolling it out over several days. So God knows when I will see it.

So there is much more here today than XP and 8.1 stories, so read on and hope for the best. -JRC


Windows XP Special Section

The sane person's guide to the Windows XP apocalypse

Put down the hand grenade, and step away from the keyboard -- the end of Windows XP doesn't have to be a disaster.

Why You Should Ditch Windows XP Now

Starting today, Microsoft XP support is dead, and there are a few reasons why you need to upgrade to a modern OS.

The Windows XP upgrade question: Windows 7 or Windows 8?

Microsoft is ending support for Windows XP on April 8. While you’re technically free to keep using the 12-year old operating system, doing so may put you at greater security risk for attack as future vulnerabilities go unpatched.

The end of Windows XP and the start of a new Microsoft

Say good-bye to Windows XP -- and hello to the 'cloud-first' Microsoft, which shows new signs of responsiveness to users and developers.

Windows XP is finally DEAD, right? Er, not quite.

Lock down and look sharp, it's the hackers' game now. Here's what to do if you're stuck with it.


Computer News and Opinions

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Update Review & Rating

With this update, mouse and keyboard users finally get the attention they've been clamoring for.

Build 2014: A very different Microsoft takes aim at the future

With a new CEO and a new structure, old ideas have a new vigor.

Welcome to the 21st century, Microsoft -- took you long enough

Perennially late to the party, Microsoft at last makes moves to get its mobile, open source, and cloud efforts on track.

Six impossible things Satya Nadella has already done

There will be projects where Nadella is reaping what Ballmer sowed, as well as initiatives he's greenlit himself. But it's clear from Build 2014 that Nadalla has got people believing in Microsoft again — especially the people who work there.

Roku Streaming Stick vs. Google's Chromecast Video

It's a first-time-ever streaming-stick Prizefight Punchout! Roku and Google bring different things to the table, but only one can reign supreme!


Computer Tips and Tricks

Tech for Keeping Track of Your Stuff

Constantly misplacing your phone? Not sure where your house keys went? Track those easily misplaced items with a lost-and-found device. But first you'll need to know how they work.

Four Alternative, Useful Browsers Based On Google Chrome

Chrome is the most popular browser around, but even with its large extension library, one size does not fit all. Thankfully, there's a treasure trove of web browser brilliance built on Chrome's solid, open-source foundation.

Grocerytrip: A Handy App for Shopping

Save cooking recipes in Evernote, and tag the note with “grocerytrip” to have Grocerytrip automatically pull ingredients into a shopping list for you.

How to use Google Drive add-ons

Docs and Sheets users now have access to even more features through Google Drive add-ons. Here’s how to use them.

Top 10 Apps and Services Made Better by Add-Ons

The internet is filled with great apps and services to help you get things done. Alone, those services are powerful—but with a few choice add-ons, they're unstoppable. Here are ten services you can power up with extensions, scripts, and other apps.


Mobile Computing

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain

I made it my mission to discover the specific reasons for iOS battery drainage. This article is a product of my years of research and anecdotal evidence I gathered in the hundreds of Apple Genius Bar appointments I took during my time there.

Windows Phone 8.1 Preview

Despite the version number, Windows Phone 8.1 is a major update to the world's most personal smart phone platform, as Microsoft calls it, adding deeply integrated voice interaction, a new Action Center, and many other features.

Microsoft's smart strategy to take on Android

Microsoft and Nokia are committed to ensuring that current devices will support the Windows Phone 8.1 upgrade.

Android security suites compared

AV-Test.org's latest comparison of security suites for Android have many products with very high scores. Among the best, the difference is in a comparison of features and capabilities for the enterprise.

Clean up files on your Android device

Whether you bought your Android device last year -- or last month -- you can benefit from a little spring cleaning.

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