Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Win!!! Net Neutrality Passed by FCC

FCC Just Overruled State Laws That Were Blocking Municipal Broadband

The FCC today put Internet providers under Title 2…meaning they are now under the same regulatory jurisdiction as phone carriers and public utilities. Sorry Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and other huge telecom providers, you are now a utility. You no longer have the ability to rape consumers with your grand schemes to slow down speeds and charge more for faster services. The Internet belongs to us, not you!

Before we pop the champagne corks, be aware there is still a long way to go and that the legal fights over this are about to begin. Those megalithic providers will be launching lawsuits in droves to stop this regulation of their services. They are backed by huge dollars, huge legal departments, and of course, many Congressmen and women under their control. They will spend millions of dollars to stop the FCC any way they can. Our first story will fill in the details.

Oh, I almost forgot, this quote appeared on the main page: “Victory! The FCC has voted for strong net neutrality protections! Thank you to everyone who clicked, shared and signed in support of net neutrality protections and an Internet where public good comes first.”

But this wasn’t the only vote that came down from the FCC. They also invalidated state laws that block municipal broadband from being installed. Again, those fine folks at Comcast and others talked the state legislators to ban such actions so that they were the only providers. Now, cities will be able to provide broadband and wireless services to more people at fair prices. Is there any more hated company in the world than Comcast? Just ask their customers.

On another topic, the Superfish scandal continues to grow. Tech experts are finding the same malicious code in other apps offered by and other app providers. There may be over a hundred different apps, including two anti-virus programs that are using the same intrusive code. Its hard to know who to trust. Stay tuned for more. -JRC


Tech News and Opinions

Net neutrality a reality: FCC votes to bring Internet under utility-style rules

In a 3-2 vote, the agency decides to apply the same rules that govern telephone service to broadband, with the hope that it ensures the fair and equal treatment of all traffic on the Internet.

FCC Just Overruled State Laws That Were Blocking Municipal Broadband

Good news: Local internet service providers can get a fair shot at competing with big telecom.

The White House officially launches its new cyber warfare agency

One of the reasons that the US has been slow to respond to attacks is because its security agencies don't talk to each other. That is going to change.

Apple sends invite out for March 9: Apple Watch countdown starts

Apple is expected to detail the Apple Watch rollout at a March 9 event, but other products may also be highlighted and refreshed.

HTTP/2 finished, coming to browsers within weeks

HTTP/2 should be a faster, more efficient Web protocol.


Computer Tips and Tricks

Google Play Music Now Lets You Store 50,000 Songs in the Cloud for Free

It is now allowing users to store up to 50,000 of their own song files in Google Play Music for free. And from there, you can access those songs from any compatible phone, tablet, or PC. and Others Bundle Superfish-Style HTTPS Breaking Adware

If you want your encrypted web sessions to be hijacked just head to CNET Downloads or any freeware site, because they are all bundling HTTPS-breaking adware now.

Beat it, bloatware: How to clean Superfish and other crap off your PC

Bloatware—also known as crapware—is more than annoying, because it actively consumes your computer’s resources. It’s worth your time to clean it off a new PC so you can use it to its full potential. Here’s how to do that with minimal headaches.

How to Find Your PC’s Windows Product Key So You Can Reinstall Windows

You’ll need a unique product key to reinstall Windows on your PC. This is more confusing than it sounds — you may not be able to re-use the key your computer’s manufacturer used.

The Ultimate Easy Trip Guide for the Disorganized Traveler (These Tips Will Change Your Life!)

For those who weren’t born with the organizational gene, hitting the road can be stressful. Well, we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be.


Mobil Computing

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