Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Last Warning!! Upgrade Windows 8 and IE 8-10…NOW!!!

This is no joke! Today is the last day Microsoft will issue patches for Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10. After this patch, those programs will no longer be fixed and you leave yourself vulnerable for every new kind of malware and viruses that come along. And believe me they will. The bad guys are already writing code to break into computers that use these old programs as many, many people will not head the message and leave them on their computers.

As for Windows 8, this warning only applies to V 8.0. If you have a computer running Windows 8.1, you are OK for now. But you really should upgrade to 10. As you may remember, my laptop was running 8.1 and I cursed it every time I used it. Since installing Windows 10, my laptop runs like a dream. I can’t believe the difference. It is finally useable. Hooray for that!

So upgrade to Windows 10 and upgrade to Internet Explorer 11. Its your final warning. As a footnote, the new Microsoft Edge browser that replaces Internet Explorer is installed in Windows 10 and it is very good…much better than IE. It is not quite a finished product, but I find it quite good…the best browser Microsoft ever built. Give it a try.

On another note, I hope this is the last time I run any stories about CES. It is over now and it was a very active show. Story #4 is an in-depth wrap-up that you may enjoy reading. You can easily skip over stories or products that are of no interest. I have also included an opinion piece that explains why CES will soon pass on to a distant memory.

Alright…that is enough from me. Time for you to move on down to the stories contained herein. -JRC

Tech News and Opinions

Microsoft Patch Tuesday kills off Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10

Support for Windows 8 is over, as is most support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10. If you haven't done so already now is the time to upgrade.


Windows 10 activation accelerates past 200 million devices

Microsoft has been tracking user activity with Windows 10, so it knows how many devices are running the OS now--and how fast the adoption rate is growing


The Last CES: Gadget fatigue will be its undoing

Opinion: By the end of the decade the Consumer Electronics Show will be no more.


The Top Tech from CES 2016

After a full week in Las Vegas living and breathing the CES 2016 show, here's everything we discovered about the future of technology. This is a very comprehensive article divided into catagories.


Forbes forces readers to turn off ad blockers, promptly serves malware

What sets Forbes apart, in this case, is that it didn’t just force visitors to disable ad blocking — it actively served them malware as soon as they did.


Computer Tips and Tricks

Looking for a Laptop? What you Need to Know

Here's everything you need to know when shopping for your next laptop, along with our top-rated models in a range of form factors and prices.


How to Check for Dangerous, Superfish-Like Certificates on Your Windows PC

Dangerous root certificates are a serious problem. From Lenovo’s Superfish to Dell’s eDellRoot and a number of other certificates installed by adware programs, your computer’s manufacturer or a program you installed may have added a certificate that opens you to attack. Here’s how to check if your certificates are clean.


The Best Antivirus Utilities for 2016

In 2016, resolve to keep your PC safe from viruses, malware, and other threats. These are the top-rated antivirus packages we've tested.


Three ways to fix Windows 10 password problems

Change from your Microsoft login to another password, or set up a PIN or a local account.


Revealed! The crucial detail that Windows 10 privacy critics are missing

The usual suspects are trying to turn routine diagnostic information into another manufactured privacy controversy over Windows 10. Don't fall for it.


Mobile Computing

iOS 9.3 will turn down the blue light on your iPad to help you sleep

Apple has just unveiled all the features it's adding to iOS 9.3, and though the headliner might be the beginnings of multiple user support (at least for students), there's another feature that's going to please everybody else.


AT&T reintroduces unlimited data plan, but with a catch

You can only apply for the unlimited data plan if you already subscribe to – or are willing to subscribe to – AT&T’s DirecTV or U-Verse TV packages.


Best Android apps of 2016: 26 apps you must try

Searching for the best Android apps is a daunting task. Whether you're looking for a great weather app or perhaps a new browser, there are always dozens available. Here are the best of them.


Looking for a solid 7-inch tablet? Good luck; large phones have killed them off

The very devices that kicked off the small-slate category are now a second thought at best by most major hardware makers. I blame the phablet phenomenon.


iPhone Battery Life Tips, Speed Boosting Tricks For iPhone 6s And More

There are a number of different ways users try to speed up their phones and extend their battery life, and some things work better than others. In this post, however, we’re going to tell you about a few hidden tricks that might be just what the doctor ordered.

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