Friday, October 07, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 Replacement Goes “Boom” on Airplane

If you thought the Galaxy Note 7 Replacement phones might be safe from explosive batteries, you may have to do a rethink. Samsung recalled all the previous versions, then started shipping replacements into stores. All appeared well until a replacement phone caught fire on a Southwest flight. The plane, which was still on the tarmac (thank God) had to be evacuated and all ended well…except for maybe Samsung’s reputation.

I am sure Samsung thought they had figured out the problem with the original Note 7. So it will be interesting to see why this one went boom. I know flight attendants now go up and down the aisle on all flights looking for Galaxy Notes. When they find one, the owner is told to turn it off and leave it off. Perhaps they missed this one, or the owner hid it. Who knows?

Anyway that is the big story of the day and I don’t have anything else to add. So I hope you find some treasures here and also hope you have a great weekend. -JRC

Tech News and Opinions

Replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone catches fire on Southwest plane

All passengers and crew exited the plane via the main cabin door and no injuries were reported

Amazon Launches Prime Reading

Now, Prime subscribers in the United States can enjoy unlimited reading from a rotating selection of books, magazines, comics and other Kindle-based content at no additional cost.


Yahoo reportedly scanned all user emails for US intelligence

CEO Marissa Mayer complied with a government directive to scan hundreds of millions of incoming messages, according to Reuters.


Apple officially launches new ‘Spoken Editions’ section in iTunes & Podcasts app

Spoken Editions are narrated pieces of content from a variety of online publishers. Spoken Editions are available in iTunes on the Mac and PC as well as Apple’s first-party Podcasting app for iOS."


Pilots, air traffic controllers shifting to text messaging

Airline pilots and air traffic controllers are on schedule to switch to text communications at most of the nation's busiest airports by the end of the year, a milestone that holds the potential to reduce delays, prevent errors and save billions of dollars in fuel cost, says the Federal Aviation Administration.


Computer Tips and Tricks

5 tips for selling on Marketplace, Facebook's version of Craigslist

The new Facebook Marketplace lets you sell to anyone (well, anyone within 100 miles of you), rather than limiting you to friends or group members.


Hands-On With the New

Microsoft is finally nearing the completion of its migration to the new, which brings the look and feel and some of the functionality of the commercial Office 365 offerings to consumers. Here’s a quick look at some of the key changes.


How to Set Your Google Account to Automatically Delete (or Share) Upon Your Death

Let’s take a look at how you can put your Google account on autopilot when you’re no longer at the wheel.


Enable TCP Fast Open in Edge browser to make pages load faster

When TCP Fast Open is enabled, data can be sent before the connection completes, so that responses will arrive mush faster.


Microsoft puts AI to work in Office 365

You'll hardly have to lift a finger to complete some tasks.


Mobile Computing

25 best Android tips to make your phone more useful

Google is always adding new features and making changes to existing ones, and OEMs like Samsung and LG can add their own stuff on top of that. It can be hard to keep up, so we’ve gathered the 25 best tips for your Android phone right here.


30 Hidden Tips for Mastering iOS 10

iPhone power-users will want to know exactly what's in store. These 30 tips cover the best new features that aren't always obvious when first using iOS 10.


Five tips for buying a used iPhone

Thinking about purchasing a used iPhone? Make sure you do some research first!


Pixel, Galaxy, iPhone, oh my! Why pay a premium when every phone runs the same apps?

When you start talking about a $400 to $600 difference in price, the mystique and perceived advantages of a brand and OS platform starts to look a bit silly when they all run the same applications.


Let Apple create some Memories for you

"You make the memories, Apple gives them some structure."


Keep Chrome Web Pages From Jumping Around on Your Android Device

If you use Chrome on your Android phone, you may have noticed a little quirk when you open a new tab. As the page loads, your pages will jump around.

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