Thursday, May 04, 2017

A Look at the New Windows S and Surface Laptop

Image result for Photos of Windows S

Earlier this week, Microsoft held an event in New York City to announce a new version of Windows dedicated to the education market. It is called Windows S. The bottom line is that Windows S is for schools, mainly K-8, and perhaps some high schools. If you are finished with high school, you don’t need it and it is doubtful you would even want it.

It is very restricted as to what it does. Each school administrator can decide what software will work on it and how to tailor it for their school. Here are the basic restrictions on the OS:

1. It will only download and run apps from the Windows Store. If it is not available in the store, you can’t have it. For instance, the two most downloaded apps for all Windows computers are Google’s Chrome Browser and Apple’s iTunes. Neither is available in the Windows store so you cannot run them. But this restriction also means there is very little chance Windows S computers will download malware.

2. The only browser you can use with it is Microsoft’s Edge.

3. The only search engine you can use is Microsoft’s Bing.

4. Seven hardware manufacturers will be making a variety of computer devices that will run Windows S with prices starting at $189. They will be coming out this summer.

5. Microsoft has not said what the “S” stands for, so just go with it.

Microsoft also introduced a new computer of its own at this same event. It is a slim, but powerful laptop called the Microsoft Surface Laptop. It runs on Intel i5 or i7 processors, has a 13.3” retina-type screen weighs about 2.5 lbs. and claims to have 14.5 hours of battery life. Prices start at $999 and it comes standard with Windows S.

This looks to be a fabulous computer, probably aimed at high school and college students…but really it would be a cool lightweight laptop for just about anyone…except it comes with Windows S. Well good news there…For the rest of this year, you can update the OS to Windows 10 Pro for free ($49 after 2017)…thereby eliminating the Windows S restrictions. If you are looking for a new laptop, this one is worth a look.

There is much more to both Windows S and the Surface Laptop, and I devoted the entire Tech News section to in-depth articles about each of them. My early opinion of Windows S is that Microsoft has hit a home run in the education market, although we won’t know for a while if that is true. But, I think the boys and girls from Redmond have dealt a death blow to Apple’s education market products and Google should be very scared right now about their future in that same market. They pretty much own it right now, but that is going to change…I think. -JRC


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