Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Every once in a while, I like to write a blog that updates you on stories I've written here in the past. Life and technology is always changing, so I thought you should have the latest information.

1. New Version of Firefox. The fastest growing alternate web browser keeps on growing. In that spirit, the folks at Mozilla thought they would be releasing an updated version of their fine product about now. However, they just announced that it will probably be May or June before it is released as they want all the time they can have to make sure it works properly.

2. Latest on Donobi. I recently wrote a blog saying that all Donobi customers on the Grant County Fiber Optic System (ZIPP) were safe from disconnection and that everything had been taken care of regarding their overdue bills and security deposit. As you may know, that turned out not to be true. While I went away to do an art show, the PUD apparently refused to accept their letter of credit so we were right back to square one. Donobi got a temporary restraining order from our local Superior Court, thereby delaying disconnect. That order expires on 3/4/05 (this Friday) and the judge has said he will not extend it further. What is going to happen is unknown at this time. I will try to keep you informed when I learn more.

3. More on the PUD. Our PUD is in trouble again...this time with the State Auditor's Office. The latter has issued a report saying the GCPUD violated state law and its own practices in four separate instances in 2004. The biggest apparent violation was in dealings with Internet/TV provider VIB. It is a very complicated story, so if you want to learn more you can read about it at:

4. More on Spamfighter. I wrote about a month ago that I was trying out a free spam killer program called Spamfighter. I just wanted to let you know that I have deleted the program and have switched to a new one. While Spamfighter was good, it only caught about 60% of the junk mail. I had to manually delete the rest. And it did not do a good job of learning. I continually got many of the same pieces of junk almost daily, even though I told the program numerous times that the mail was junk. I will let you know about the new one after I test it for a couple of weeks.

5. More on Netflix. Last week, I wrote a 3 part blog on my experiences with Netflix and Blockbuster. In that report, I mentioned that you could pretty much count on a two day delivery from Netflix. In the last few days, I have been getting almost all my DVD's overnight. I can only attribute that to the opening of the Netflix Spokane warehouse. Yesterday, I did mail two DVD's back to them, but only one arrived in Spokane this morning, according to their website. But, whatever the case, Netflix seems to be improving its already great service.

6. My son is home from the Middle East. Just to let you all know on a personal note that my son Eric is home permanently from the Middle East. He and his fellow National Guardsman (mostly from Washington State) did their one year tour over there and are now home. Actually that isn't quite true. Eric is back at Ft. Lewis for demobilization, whatever that is. And he must be recertified this month as a combat medic. In April, he is being sent to sergeant's School in the Midwest. He will be completely done with his service around the first of May. Thanks to all of you who kept him and his fellow soldiers in your prayers.

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