Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hacks, Hacks, and Hacks

I must admit, without shame, that I am a pretty much a Google user at heart. I seldom use any other search engines, with the rare exception when Google doesn't give me what I am really looking for. But I may have to rethink that a little bit as Yahoo has come forward with some pretty cool improvements.

CNET has recently published some short articles on how to "hack" both Google and Yahoo. They may call it hacking, but I prefer to think of it as better ways to use existing tools. Included in the Yahoo hacks are sharing and personalization functions (that I am now looking forward to experimenting with), and how to compare Yahoo vs Google.

Here is the article on Yahoo Hacks. And, for the sake of fairness, here is an article on Google Hacks.

And, as an extra added attraction, here is an article on Firefox Hacks.

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