Monday, March 02, 2009

A Google Computer Coming?

The Google Computer: Android Desktop Edition - Columns by PC Magazine

If cranky columnist John C. Dvorak is right (and I'm thinking he is), the world of desktop computing is about to take a big left turn. The company in the driver seat? Google. Dvorak outlines how Microsoft cannot kill Google the way it previously torpedoed Netscape and then lays out a simple plan for Google to introduce a new Android OS-based Google PC. If this happens, Microsoft will have a real problem on its hands. You must read this fascinating column.

White House ditches YouTube after privacy complaints

Responding to complaints by privacy activists, the White House has quietly abandoned YouTube as the provider of the embedded videos on the president's official home page. With the release of the latest weekly video address, the White House has shifted to a Flash-based video solution using Akamai's content delivery network.

5 Reasons Why I Bought a Kindle 2 - Opinions by ExtremeTech

Until the release of this version of the Kindle, I hadn't been particularly interested in buying one. Frankly, I thought the first Kindle was ugly and a rather stupid idea. I chuckled and snorted with derision when Amazon first announced it, sure that it would be just another e-book bomb like so many before it. But oddly enough, the Kindle turned out to be a reasonable success with around 500,000 estimated sales last year.

How to: Keep your laptop from being stolen

A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, and approximately 97 percent are never recovered, according to the FBI. Worse, one out of every 10 laptops will be stolen within the first 12 months of purchase.

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Remove unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space.

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