Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Microsoft is busy…plus worms and Twitter

Updating the Windows 7 release schedule

Microsoft has been doing an admirable job of suppressing leaks about its Windows 7 release plans. But someone in Redmond needs to do a better job of teaching its own employees when not to hit the Publish button on web pages.

Microsoft's "I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person" ad tries to kick Apple where it hurts

Microsoft’s latest salvo in the Mac vs. PC ad war seems to have hit a nerve with Apple fans.

Microsoft exits the encyclopedia biz, kills Encarta

Microsoft Encarta is a digital encyclopedia that used to come on a CD-ROM, and eventually graduated to a web-based service. But in the age of Wikipedia, where even the Encyclopedia Brittanica allows users to suggest edits, it looks like Microsoft either can't or choose not to compete. The company is pulling the plug on Encarta later this year.

'60 Minutes': What's next for the Conficker worm?

The following is a transcript of a "60 Minutes" report on Internet viruses that aired Sunday.

Nine Ways to Use Twitter

Disregard the hype and the haters; Twitter is a powerful platform with plenty of practical uses.

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