Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Google Reader – A Second Look

A couple of weeks ago here, I did a comparison of My Yahoo vs iGoogle.  In it , I mentioned Google Reader as a place to collect various blogs and news stories that might be of interest to you.  At that time, I said why have both Google Reader and iGoogle when My Yahoo could do them both?

Well, based upon an idea I got from Leo LaPorte, I might not have given Google Reader a fair look.  So I decided to go back and look at it again…and in doing so, am now a fan and use it on a daily basis.  Let me explain.

First, I use My Yahoo to collect info on everything I am interested in…from news to the NFL, computers, TV, astronomy, tech, and much much more. It is wonderful and I still use it on a daily basis. Lots of interesting stuff to read.

But, Leo uses Google Reader to collect technology news from all over the Net and read it to prepare for his shows…all collected in one place.  Since I write a tech blog, I decided that might be smart for me to do also.

So, following Google instructions, I set up a Google Reader account and started setting up RSS feeds for sites I use.  Before long, I had a nice list of different sources to look at.  And even better, instead of just headlines like I see in My Yahoo, I got a synopsis of each story.  That makes looking for blog topics much easier.  And I am not limited to six stories at a time…no, I see all the latest stories and it keeps track of the ones I have already read.

But wait, it gets better.  Google recently added Google Bundles to Google Reader.  With Bundles, I can now look at what other people’s subscriptions and add them to my own.  So now, I have Leo LaPorte’s list as part of mine.

And it works for just about any subject or persons you are interested in.  You can search for reader lists by subject and by people.  It is quite an excellent, well rounded program…free, of course.

Summing up, I used My Yahoo for a broad look at lots of different subjects…and Google Reader for specialized RSS feeds.  Give it a try.    

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