Friday, February 12, 2010

More Buzz about BUZZ

Buzz features compared: Just the important stuff

Buzz is, in many ways, highly derivative of existing, and quite popular services. The three biggest ones that come to mind are Twitter, Facebook, and FriendFeed, with the latter two being the same company. Though to Google's credit, it has done something none of these companies has managed to do in integrating it deeply into a popular e-mail service.

Google may remove Buzz from Gmail

Google has now released a statement that they will not be removing Buzz from Gmail, but rather are considering building a standalone version of Buzz that doesn't require Gmail. The main gripe with BUZZ has been privacy issues.

Twitpics from Space

For the past few weeks, Japanese astronaut Souichi Noguchi, traveling in orbit 200 miles above the Earth at around 17,000 mph, has been on board the International Space Station tweeting images of his view from space. The images, which were taken with digital cameras on board the International Space Station, have been posted to Twitter via Twitpic, a Web site that allows users to easily post pictures.

Microsoft Releases Windows Experience Pack for Windows XP/Vista/7

Microsoft has been releasing freebies for Windows 7 users fairly regularly. However, that doesn’t mean that Microsoft has completely forgotten about users of older versions of Windows. The Windows team has released a new set of goodies for Windows Live, which are available not only for Windows 7 but also for Windows XP and Vista.

Antenna: Tune in Radio from Around the World

Radio stations around the world are also broadcasting on the Web, so even if you're far away from a place you like to visit, or you're away from home and want to hear the local news from your neighborhood, you can probably find and stream what you're looking for at any time. The trouble is finding the station you want. With Antenna, the process is a little easier.

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