Monday, January 18, 2010

More on Chinese Attacks on America

Google and China: the attacks and their aftermath

Google's dramatic decision to call out Chinese hackers and its decision to stop censoring search results has prompted an extraordinary worldwide reaction. Here's what we learned.

McAfee: China attacks a 'watershed moment'

"What really makes this is a watershed moment in cybersecurity is the targeted and coordinated nature of the attack with the main goal appearing to be to steal core intellectual property." Exploit code for a zero-day hole in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which has been linked to the attacks, has been released on the Internet. Microsoft said Thursday it is working on a patch and warned that IE 6, 7, and 8 on all the modern versions of Windows, including Windows 7, are affected by vulnerability. Bottom line, don't use Internet Explorer.


The recent flood of news about new 3D TVs, itself spurred by the hype surrounding the 3D release of Avatar, has raised a few questions. It is still early days yet in this market, but here are some of the answers you might want to know.

Finally! Comment on Facebook through e-mail

A small but notable development at Facebook means that if you're replying to a comment posted on your profile, you can now do so through regular e-mail.

bookTome - personal book management system

bookTome is a free personal book management system that allows you to maintain a digital library of all the books you own and/or are planning to buy. You can add books manually or import details from an integrated Amazon search, including cover image, publisher information, release date, ISBN number, a book description and more.

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