Monday, April 18, 2011

e-Books Rule and Good Info About Your Camera Phone

Summer seems to have attacked us in force here in Tucson. The last few days have been in the low 90’s, but absolutely wonderful in the early mornings and evenings. But the midday heat does keep me inside…working on blogs.

I found the first story fascinating since I am a big e-book reader. I keep a database of my e-books (Calibre) and it amazes me how many books I’ve read since receiving it as a Christmas gift in 2009. Of course, I am retired and spend a good amount of time reading at the pool. So I really rip through books these days. I still have a fair amount of paper books (AKA “Dead Tree Editions) and I always try to keep one of them going at all times…but there is no doubt that most of my reading is done on my Kindle.

I was also interested personally in story #4 as I now have a Droid X phone with a good quality 8MB camera built in. I like it but I really don’t have a handle on it yet. So story #4, was one that caught my attention. Obviously it won’t replace my Nikon, but it is still fun to do for the occasional snapshot. Anyway, I hope you find all the stories here of interest. Enjoy - JRC

eBooks overtake US paperbacks

e-books have become the single bestselling format in American publishing for the first time, according to new figures released yesterday.

Why the Flip Failed

The Flip was never my favorite pocket camcorder. That's partly because it was the darling of everyone else and also because I found more powerful options elsewhere, like the Kodak Zi6 (and then Zi8). Both offer HD video capture, a microphone-in jack and removable media. Flip didn't offer any of that; the Flip team always told me that those features would likely confuse consumers who just wanted to capture video. Now I realize they were right. In fact more right than any of us had imagined.

Top-rated netbooks

Netbooks are perfect travel companions and meet basic computing needs, including e-mailing, Web surfing, and simple document creation. Best of all, these low-powered machines cost less than the standard-issue laptop

How to Take Better Pictures with Your Smartphone's Camera

Camera phones have come a long way in the past few years, but they don't always take point-and-shoot quality pictures on the first try. Here's how to squeeze the best quality photos out of your smartphone's camera.

Top Free Picture Management Tools To Look At

Today's computers have access to numerous pictures, videos, and graphics. Keeping track of them can be a chore, so here are some Graphics Management Tools that will help you manage your pictures.

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