Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hey Everybody…It’s Patch Tuesday!!

It’s the 2nd Tuesday of the month (if you didn’t know that already). That means Microsoft will be patching your Windows computer sometime in the next 24-36 hours…assuming you have your computer set for automatic updates. I sure do…and so should you. I’ve seen worse patch Tuesdays that this one, so maybe Microsoft is close to getting it right. 

If you are a MAC user, you should be notified very shortly that an update to your computer’s OS is available (code-named “Lion”). I believe the update cost is $30.

Also wanted to let you know that I have stopped using Google’s Chrome browser. I’ve noticed it is a sieve for spyware. I stopped using it a while ago, but tried it again a couple of days ago just to test it one more time. I ran a spyware catcher program and it found 27 pieces of spyware on my system…25 of them came through Chrome. Conversely, I’ve also found that using the “Do Not Track” feature of Firefox has stopped almost all spyware that tries to come through. So I am sticking strictly to Firefox as my browser-of-choice.

Lots of good stories today including some new free games from Microsoft.  Hopefully you will find something useful. - JRC

Microsoft Patch Tuesday To Fix 22 Vulnerabilities

Software giant Microsoft is preparing to release four security updates today for patching 22 vulnerabilities affecting its Windows and Visio 2003 platforms. Out of the four security updates, only one is rated critical, the highest severity rating that Microsoft has to offer, while the other three have been marked as ‘important’. The critical rated update fixes flaws in Windows 7 and Windows Vista only.

Anonymous, LulzSec spawn 'one of worst' quarters

Cyberattacks from Anonymous and LulzSec and breaches against everyone from Sony to Lockheed Martin turned the second quarter into "one of the worst on record," according to a new report from Panda Security. Released this week, Panda's second-quarter report (PDF) examined the security landscape from April to June and highlighted a string of alarming incidents.

Stay safe online: 5 secrets every PC (and Mac) owner should know

Many people think that security begins and ends with antivirus software. I disagree. Should you run antivirus software? As I've said before, if you don't know the answer to that question, then the answer is yes.

4 Amazing Technology Waves That Will Change Your Life

Four coming waves of innovation mean technology will be used to truly digitize our social experience, make us part of the security solution and not just victims, allow us to create and share more widely and often, and have the power we need where we need it to make this all work. In 10 years, we'll look back at now and wonder how we got by.

Iriver and Google Partner on New E-reader

Not satisfied to compete with Facebook alone, Google has now set its sights on Amazon's digital empire. On July 17, Google and iriver will debut an e-book reader to compete with the Kindle, the Nook and other emerging devices. Dubbed the iriver Story HD e-reader, the new device Relevant Products/Services is the first integrated with the open Google eBooks platform.

Big Storage: 5 Great 1TB and Larger Hard Drives

If you have a lifetime of digital pics, videos, and documents, a spacious external hard drive is a must. With hard drive capacities growing and prices dropping, it's time for you to switch to a 1TB or larger hard drive.

The history of digital photography

Believe it or not, non-chemical cameras have only existed for 30 years — and true digital cameras that store files as JPEGs and MPEGs have been around for just 20 years.

Download 6 Free Windows 7 Games

Many games have the same theme, attack and destroy, fight aliens, save the universe or the human race. Well that’s a little long winded but they’re games after all. You can tell your wife, girl friend, or significant other that you are a hero for spending Saturday afternoon saving the world.

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