Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Office 15…Looking Good

It looks like another slow week for tech news. I really had to scramble to get enough quality stories for this edition…the operative word here is “quality”… stories that you will find useful.

Many of today’s nuggets are focused upon Microsoft…some about Windows 8 surprises…but my favorite story is about what to expect in the forthcoming release of Office 15. We have all been so focused on the pluses and minuses of Windows 8, we forgot that a new version of Office is also coming out this year. If you are an Office user, I encourage you to read about this new version.

You will notice there are no stories today about the price of Facebook stock…I don’t want to turn this journal into a stock market tip sheet. But, for your information, the stock continued its slide, closing today at $28.84…down over $3 from Friday’s close and over $9 from its opening price of $38. The stock market itself had a good day.

So, let’s just move beyond Facebook and hope you can find something useful in today’s stories. – JRC

Four signs America’s broadband policy is failing

Where's the robust broadband competition we were promised?

Office 15: The Mile-High View

Overall, Office 15 is compelling and forward-leaning. Microsoft’s embrace of cloud computing and virtualization technologies, in particular, is well done and make supporting and using this suite easier than ever.

Why Microsoft Killed Windows Live

Windows Live has been Microsoft's online branding since it was unveiled back in November 2005. But Windows Live never worked, mainly because the brand was applied to Microsoft products inconsistently and seemingly at random.

Windows 8 Release Preview: RIP, Aero (2003-2012)

This change isn’t just about obfuscation. It’s about the Windows team abandoning the very market that drove Windows’s success for over 25 years in order to chase a coming and potentially illusory market for tablet devices.

Microsoft forbids class actions in new Windows license

Microsoft will make it harder for customers to club together with lawyers to file lawsuits against its products. The company is rolling out new End User License Agreements (EULAs) that forbid punters from joining class-action proceedings.

Did Microsoft Just Give Up on Windows 8 for Businesses?

Despite my recent attempt to categorize what’s coming in Windows 8 for businesses -- and, seriously, it’s not a bad list -- it’s become increasingly clear to me that Microsoft doesn’t actually expect businesses to upgrade to this new system in any meaningful way.

Browser choice: A thing of the past?

Devices using iOS and the future Windows RT hobble third-party browsers. Despite some good reasons for doing so, the change could undermine browser competition.

10 ways to make Android better than the iPhone

These tweaks and apps will let your Android smartphone outshine your friends' iPhones

Set Your Notifications to Stop Your Phone from Constantly Bugging You

If you're anything like me, your phone buzzes all day long, alerting you to completely useless things like app updates, Facebook likes, and chain emails from your grandma. Here's how to keep your phone from bugging you all day without turning your notifications off entirely—but still staying on top of what matters.

Eraser - Free Download

Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows that allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.

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