Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Apple’s Big Day…the iPad Mini is real!

Yes, the new Apple 7.9 inch Apple Mini iPad is here…well almost. You can preorder now and the new tablet will be delivered on November 2…and yes, it is called the iPad Mini. There is not much new about it that we didn’t already know…it is not a retinal display like the current regular size iPads and it has the new Lightning connector that was introduced last month for the new iPhone. Your will find all the details of the Mini in the first story.

But there were some surprises that we did not know about. First, they have discontinued the iPad 3 and replaced it with what is called the 4th generation iPad. The major difference is a faster processor…the A6 instead of the A5. Prices are still the same.

So am I mad about my iPad being obsoleted after only 7 months? Not really. The current iPad has all the speed I could ever use. Of course I would rather have the new one, but what I have was just fine before the announcement and is still fine now. Good Lord, do I sound like an Apple Fanboy now?

There were some other new and upgraded products introduced also, including the Mac Mini. So be sure and read story #2 for all the updates. What surprised me the most was no mention of the new iTunes. They announced it last month for release this month. I thought sure they would mention it today.

So what’s next? It’s Microsoft’s official release of the Windows 8 and Windows RT Surface tablet on Friday. Not much new there that we don’t already know about. I hope that folks who pre-ordered the RT Surface Tablet aren’t too disappointed when they discover all the things it won’t do.

So let’s get to it! –JRC

Apple iPad Mini -- it's real, and it has a new design

The tablet, which has been rumored for months, does indeed come with a 7.9-inch screen and starts at $329. All the details are here.

Apple's iPad mini event: everything you need to know

Here is a complete list of all that went on today at Apple's big show in San Jose. All the new computers, iPads and software.

Google's Research Shows Tablets Are For Games And Email, Mostly Used On Couch & In Bed

Google just published a new research paper that delves into the details of how tablet owners use their devices. Some surprising and yet not unexpected results.

Even Microsoft's closest allies are nervous about Windows 8

If Microsoft's long-time partner Intel can't muster up much enthusiasm for Windows 8, how are consumers expected to do so?

Forrester: Windows 8 Will Just “Stop The Shrinking”

Forrester Research analyst Frank Gillett predicts that Microsoft’s Windows 8 will get off to a slow start in 2013, but will take hold in 2014.

What is Windows RT? Redmond, We Have a Problem

As consumers around the world excitedly purchase Windows RT-based Surface tablets, many of them have no idea that these devices are utterly incompatible with all of the software and much of the hardware that they already own. Yep, Windows RT looks like Windows 8, but it isn't. If my email is any indication, and I believe it is, the majority of people out there have absolutely no idea what Windows RT is. This is a problem.

How to get less e-mail spam from Twitter

Here's a guide that breaks down Twitter's e-mail notification settings so you can decide how often Twitter will contact you about activity on your account.

Five Worst Companies for Customer Service

Some companies excel at it, but others—specifically major companies—fail more often than they succeed. This week we're going to look at five of the worst, and show you how to beat them and get the answers you need.

How to Set Up a Basic Productivity System

This post will show you how to set up a a basic personal productivity system that will cost you a small investment of your time.

Your quick guide to malware types

Think you know your malware? Here's a refresher to make sure you know what you're talking about -- with basic advice about what to do when you've been hit

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