Tuesday, December 29, 2015

And Another Christmas is in the Books


I sure hope you had as wonderful a Christmas as I did. My son Eric came over from Yuma. Besides eating and exchanging gifts, we went and saw the new Star Wars movie in 3D. A really good movie, so well done in 3D. One of the best 3D movies I have seen in a long, long time. Nothing jumps off the screen at you, but almost every scene had amazing depth, including the titles.

We both enjoyed our gifts, especially since we had already told each other what we wanted. But both of us threw in some gifts that the other wasn’t expecting. I did not expect to get a Chromecast from him. I am still playing around with it.

The big surprise was a device called the BluMoo. It’s a device designed to operate all your entertainment devices via a phone app or iPad app. I have five devices to control in the living room and I hate all those remotes. Now all of them are under the control of my iPad or iPhone. Hey, it works well after I programmed the app. I am still experimenting with it, adding more buttons and commands, but I like it.

As for tech news, there isn’t much as you might expect during the Christmas holiday season…and this is the time of year you get stories about the good and bad things of this tech year. For sure there are a couple of those here.

But I did find some interesting articles for the Computer Tips and Mobile Computing sections. I really the enjoyed the article, 10 Ways to Get Your Digital Life Together in the New Year. It has some great suggestions and I am already implementing some of them. And if you received a new iPhone or Android phone and use Windows on your computers, there are 2 great articles below on how to ‘Windowize” your phone.

As you might guest, this is the last Rants and Raves blog for the year. But I will be back next week with an all new blog for an all new year. Take care. -JRC

Tech News and Opinions


Massive trove of US voter data discovered on Web

If you voted in a US election recently, there's a good chance your personal information is included in a trove of voter data found on a publicly available Web server.


Apple made up nearly half of all Santa’s mobile presents

It looks like Kris Kringle spent quite a bit of time delivering iPhones and iPads this year. Apple still remains very much in the dominant position for the tech logo people find most under their Christmas trees.


Tech That Will (Probably) Die in 2016

This article could be a platform to mourn and remember all the technologies that are gently rapping on oblivion's door.


Yikes: The 12 Biggest Tech Fails of 2015

This year, like every year, the tech world faced fails big and small. Let's take a trip down memory lane (and be thankful it didn't happen to us).


Google and Ford rumored to announce partnership at CES

A trio of anonymous internal sources are claiming Google and Ford have a partnership to announce in Las Vegas, next month. This is said to be a joint venture to work on self-driving cars, and it will come in the form of an independent company.

Computer Tips and Tricks


Google still trying to kill passwords: This new idea sounds interesting

Google is testing an interesting new authentication idea. In a bid to get rid of the password, la GOOG will instead pop up a prompt on your phone, to ask you if it’s really you who wants to log in.


10 Ways to Get Your Digital Life Together in the New Year

Extra time off around the holidays presents an opportunity to get digitally organized. Start 2016 off right by tackling these 10 projects


How to Put Your To-Do List Into Google Calendar

With this new feature in Google Calendar, you can get organized and better manage your time.


These 4 Chrome extensions make Gmail better right now

These add-ons will track your messages, schedule your meetings, and more.


Here's how to sync Google Earth placemarks on multiple computers

Save Google Earth Places on one PC and you won't find them on another one, unless you know the trick.

Mobile Computing


Android for the Windows Guy: Getting Started

This article will focus on what I feel are the top things you can do to convert your Google-centric smart phone into a more comfortable Microsoft-based user experience. I’ll expand on these tips in future articles in this series.


iPhone for the Windows Guy: Getting Started

Adopting iPhone as your smart phone platform doesn’t mean you need to leave Microsoft behind. So this new series will step through the process of getting up and running with your Microsoft-based data and apps on iPhone.


The Best and Worst of Mobile in 2015

This year brought new devices, OSes, and ideas to the world of phones and tablets. Here's my strictly biased ranking.


The 100 Best iPhone Apps of 2016

Say goodbye to 2015 and ring in the New Year with the best iPhone apps out there


How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Plan

Does shopping around for mobile phone service have your head spinning? We've got you covered with this handy interactive calculator and tips for choosing the right carrier and plan.

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