Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Facebook and the News…It just sucks!

Night crawler video

I can’t believe people use Facebook for news. It is the last place I would ever go to get my news fix. Why? Because Facebook can’t be trusted. They are constantly changing their privacy rules, the way they operate their business and especially the way they curate the news. This latest controversy of police shooting videos is just the tip of the iceberg.  

In fact, I don’t want anyone, except myself, to curate the news I read. As the editor of the Guardian put it, the news is becoming distorted by algorithm decisions at companies like Facebook. Lately, Facebook is more interested in showing graphic videos rather than pushing the more important news of the day…most of which doesn’t have attached videos. Social media is about keeping up with your friends and family…its the last place you should go for your news.

Its like letting the Kardashians live your life for you. No brains required.

This is a very deep subject and I think our first story covers the subject rather well and gives you much to think about. As a college grad with a degree in journalism, the state of journalism in the world is quite interesting to me…and in many ways quite frightening.

I stopped watching TV news a long time ago as it is completely reliant on video to tell the story. So, where do I read the news? My two main sources are Flipboard and Apple News. Flipboard lets me pick the subjects and Apple News lets me pick the publications I want to read. For the most unbiased distribution of news, you can’t beat the BBC.

This is a very in-depth subject, far more than I can cover here.  There is a lot to think about. So for now, I will back off and let you read the rest of this blog in peace! -JRC  

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