Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Good Reading from PC Magazine

Before I get started with today's subject matter, I just wanted to say that you will not be hearing from me for a week. Susan and I are off to Yosemite early tomorrow morning for rest, relaxation, friendship (my brother and some good friends from the Bay Area are meeting us there), and of course, a great deal of photography. Our weather forecast is excellent for all our days there: Highs in the 70's, mostly sunny with a few clouds here and there (great for photographs).

We will be staying in a large cabin (with pool table) inside of the park in an area called "The Redwoods." Its about 20 miles south of the valley floor. My brother and some of his friends have been doing this trip for several years, always about this time of year. This is the first time Susan and I have been able to go. Needless to say, we are both excited.

You should also know that when we get back, I will be home for a little more than one day before I hit the road again for my first art show of the year. All of this means that you will not be hearing from me as much as you normally do, at least through October. But, I will try to get out an occasional blog to keep you up with the world of technology as best I can.

Now, on to today's blog. I get a weekly update of new stories in PC Magazine, some of which I have recommended to you previously for your enlightenment. This week's e-mail contained several good stories about things we have discussed here in the past. I hope you will find them as interesting as I did.

Photo Management Software Reviewed

If your digital photo collection is overflowing, you might be interested in this roundup of organizers. There are several of them reviewed, and four Editor's Choice awards handed out. PC Magazine does not give out these awards easily, which is why I was impressed with the review and all the options. And guess what? Their favorite one is free! It the new Picasa, V.2. Although I have written about this software more than once, I have never tried it out. I guess I will when I get back from Yosemite.

The First Origami Computer is a Bust!

Back in March, I wrote about the new Origami mini computer that Microsoft, Intel, and others were touting. It is smaller than a laptop, larger than an iPod, and was supposed to be the second coming, at least in terms of portability. The reviews were mixed on the concept back then. Now, the first one is on the market, and it is not great, according to the PC Magazine review...As I and others suspected.

John C. Dvorak Reviews the New HD-DVD's

If you have ever read Dvorak or my blogs on the new high definition DVD's, you can probably guess what he has to say. In this article he writes about not only about the issues discussed here in the past, but also about using them for burning DVD's on your computer. There is a lot of good new information here regarding burning your own, and it is not good for us consumers. If you have been following the saga of the new HD-DVD's, this article will be of interest.

Rainbow Photographs from Missouri

This is not in PC Magazine, but I was so impressed with the quality and subject matter of the photographs that I had to pass them along to you. This is a case of a superior photographer with excellent knowledge of composition, having a quality camera by his side, and being in the exact right place at the exact right time. Enjoy.

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