Monday, May 01, 2006

Social Bookmarking on the Rise

One of the hottest trends these days on the Net is something that has been labeled "Social Bookmarking." I must admit that I have not really looked into this until recently. I had heard the term and figured it was some ultra-liberal term like "Social Justice," so I just ignored it. In fact, I usually stay away from anything that has the word "social" in it. Probably because I am not very social (Susan says I am becoming a curmudgeon).

Anyway, as I read and investigated this new phenomenon, I discovered that my fears were for nothing. Social bookmarking, as is practiced by the leading website for such things,, is a place where users can post stories about subjects they find interesting or websites that have piqued their interest. Then, rather than let an editor choose what stories are used, they are posted on the site and users vote as to which stories are interesting and useful.

I am sure there must be some sort of editing so that porn or other dangerous web site are not listed. Other than that, most everything is fair game. It is a good place to find new and intriguing web sites and learn new things. I like the site and will participate when I can.

Like all new trends, is not the only web site practicing social bookmarking. There are now dozens of other sites...some general like and others that specialize in one topic. If you would like to read more about the trend, there is a recent article by Rafe Needleman on CNET that gives you a good overview of the topic. Have fun.

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