Monday, February 26, 2007

Widgets, Sidebars, and Klips - Part 2

In the last blog, I talked about Yahoo's Widgets and Sidebars, two different tools that allow you to augment your desktop with useful (and playful) items that can help you enjoy your computing experience. Today, we will continue on the subject with still another program that works along the same line as the first two. It is call Klipfolio. Like Widgets, Klipfolio is made of individual programs or Klips for short.

Klipfolio is available for free at their website. The new version 4 has improved over the original version in that it is more customizable on your screen. In fact, it may be the most customizable of the three programs we have been talking about here.

Like the other two programs, Klipfolio consists of individual small klips that you either use or discard. Although Klipfolio comes with several useful klips, there are also many additional klips on their website that you can add to your Klipfolio. It doesn't have as many add-ons as Yahoo Widgets, but it does have many more than Sidebar. For example, I am currently running the following klips on my screen: The weather for Ephrata, a to-do list, a Google search line, computer memory use, Google News, a Pop3 e-mail klip that tells me about the e-mail I have coming in to my three in-boxes, and finally, a fun little tool that can show me a live web cam aimed at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

As I mentioned, the program is very customizable, especially in how it is displayed on your desktop. There are so many possibilities that the Klipfolio people have put together a great five minute video to show you many of the ways. I currently have mine displayed on the right side of the screen like I did with Sidebar. I've set it so that it is always on so that whatever other program I open.

But, Klipfolio can also be set to run a smaller size, a larger size, or even slip up to different parts of screen. For instance, I can have part of it running down the right side of the screen and part of it running across the top of the screen. You really need to watch the video to see what I mean.

Like Sidebar, running your mouse over the top of some of the klips opens then up to a larger screen. Adding more Klips is very easy and you can even add RSS and Atom feeds from your favorite websites. The one thing missing from Klipfolio is an analog clock. The other two programs have one and I like it. I know I can look down in the corner of my computer and see a digital readout of the time, but there is just something comforting in a round, analog clock with an hour, minute, and second hands.

Which of the three programs do I prefer or recommend? That is a tough call as I like all three of them. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. And because they are all free and easy to turn on and off, I change all the time. I can't honestly make a call on my favorite, but that is OK. The other day I had two running at the same time...Klipfolios and Widgets, the latter running just so I could have a clock.

They are all good so give them all a try. If you find one you like better, let me know as I would love to hear your opinion. And if you find an especially good klip of widget, also let me know so I can add it to my collection.

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