Monday, February 05, 2007

Weather Watcher

For some time, Susan has used a program on her desktop called "Weatherbug." It's a free program that puts the current temperature down in the lower right corner of her computer right next to the clock. With it, she always knows what's going on weather-wise in our little town. If you click on it, it opens up a larger window showing updated forecasts and more information, as well as some commercials.

The other day, Susan came to me and said she thought her computer had been infected by a virus or a hacker. To make a long story short, that didn't turn out to be the case. She had logged on to a website that had been hacked by someone in Germany who was bragging. Anyway, to be on the safe side, I ran a CounterSpy scan. And guess what I found...576 pieces of spyware, all associated with Weatherbug!

Needless to say, that was the end of Weatherbug on her computer. But, I know how much she liked having the current weather conditions being displayed on her screen all the time, so I set out to see if I could find a replacement for her that was safe. And after only a little looking, I did.

The program is called Weather Watcher and is available free for downloading. It works pretty much the same way, putting the current temperature down by your system clock. But, with Weather Watcher, if you just run your mouse over the temperature, it opens up a small windows showing you more information such as humidity, wind chill, wind speed, and more if you wish.

The program comes loaded with options that allow you to define how it works on your system...what to display, when to update, how much to show in the little window and how much to show in the big master window. You can even tell it what to do when you right-click or left click.

To be honest, I liked it so much that I also installed it on my computer at home. The user reviews I read on it were all good, so you might want to take a look at it...if you like the idea of knowing the temperature without having to open up a web browser. There is, of course, no spyware or adware included, which is very nice...and it takes up only a very tiny amount of memory. Its a good little program and the price is sure right.

The easiest way of getting it is to go to the website.

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