Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tracking Your Internet Usage

You may have heard that one of the nation's largest ISP's, ComCast will begin limiting their customers Internet usage to 250GB per month, including both uploads and downloads. And when I say downloads, that includes everything from just viewing pages to listening to music, getting software, etc.

Personally, I find this abhorrent since bandwidth has become cheaper and cheaper. And while 250GB per month is a lot, I don't like being restricted at all, even though I am probably well under the limit, most of the time. What I am worried about is that other ISP's may start doing the same thing. In fact, I would bet on it.

If this happens to you, you will probably want a program that monitor's your Internet usage so you know how much you are using. In fact, you might just want to see how much you use, just for future reference.

There is a very good program out there for us PC users that does just that...its called "Bitmeter II," from Codebox Software...and it it free. It runs in the background and will provide you all the data you might ever want to know. What is really cool is that you can program in the amount of data limitations from your ISP and it will tell you when you are getting close.

Frankly, I hope this move by Comcast blows up in their face and we never have to deal with it again. If I ever move to an area that is served by Comcast, you can bet I won't use them. Oh, and by the way, if a Comcast customer does go over the limit, they are terminated as a customer, even if they have Comcast cable TV and Comcast IP phone service. Add another greedy corporate bastard to your list.

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