Monday, June 28, 2010

Get a Free Audio Book from Audible–No Strings

FREE Audiobook Giveaway at

Audible is giving away a free audio book with no strings attached until July 2. No credit card is required. Choose from many great titles.

Is Google Gunning for Facebook with 'Google Me'?

Rumors have it that Google is building its own social networking site named "Google Me" that may be the company's attempt to unseat Facebook. Is it possible for the world's most popular search engine to wage war against the world's most popular social networking site? If speculations are true, there's a chance.

An iPhone wish list looks more like an Android feature list

What do iPhone users want most? According to the results of a survey released today, the top four things that U.S. iPhone users want most are already available from Google’s Android.

Office 2010 reduces ribbon pain

The ribbon UI introduced in Office 2007 met with rejection, dejection, and outright mutiny. Be of good cheer: Office 2010 isn't bad

Turn a USB Flash Drive Into Extra Virtual RAM

It's not hard to turn an extra USB stick lying around that's collecting dust into extra memory for your computer, allowing it to run speedier and manage more applications better.

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