Thursday, March 29, 2012

Shocking News About Best Buy and Paul Allen


See…I too can write tabloid-style headlines. Actually, the two stories referred to in the headlines are a bit of a surprise. Regarding Best Buy, they seem to be continuing the downward trend of store closings by traditional brick and mortar stores. One can understand the continued demise of Blockbuster and other video stores with the rise of Netflix. And this year, Americans are projected to view more video from the Internet than via DVD’s of Blu-ray's. So, of course, video stores are doomed.

But don’t forget that once mighty retail store chains like The Good Guys, Circuit City and others also went bye-bye in the night. After all, it easier to buy stuff with your computer…the prices are almost always cheaper and the variety of products to choose from is overwhelming. And count me as one of those people who loves to shop with my keyboard. It is just so much easier and I don’t mind waiting a day or two. I guess I’ve acquired patience in my old age.

But enough of that. Again I have rounded up some good articles for this edition of Rants and Raves, so…have a good read. - JRC

Best Buy to close 50 big box US retail stores

Still driving to your local Best Buy to fondle all the latest gadgets before swiping your card, or hopping to the web to pull the trigger? That tradition could be short-lived, if you happen to live near one of 50 big box retail stores that the company plans to shutter in 2013.

Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen a Victim of Identity Theft

Federal authorities this month charged a US army deserter with identity theft. His victim? Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

IE10 in Windows 8: Metro style vs. desktop style

Windows 8 packages Internet Explorer 10 in two different flavors--Metro and desktop, each with their own pros and cons. Which one is better, and how can you manage both?

How to decide: should you buy a new iPad or a Kindle Fire?

With all the buzz these days about tablets, it turns out some folks are still trying to understand which device to buy. Not everyone out there is steeped in the latest tech news, and to most civilians, a tablet is a tablet is a tablet. And that's why this article.

I'm sick to death of Android

I’ve spent over two years as an Android user. The next time around, I’m going elsewhere unless substantial changes take place in how Google manages its ecosystem and OEM/Carrier partners.

Review: 7 password managers for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android

To keep the list manageable, I've focused on programs that have both a desktop and a mobile version available, with the desktop taking precedence.

Harry Potter Adventures Go on Sale in E-Book Form

Harry Potter's adventures have finally gone digital, now available at author J.K. Rowling's Pottermore site. Rowling for years resisted making the books available in digital form. The books are available only through the Web site; they are compatible with major electronic e-readers, including Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader.

New Google tool lets you PROBE YOURSELF

Google may want to silently worm its way into everything people do online: but it's now offering a tool that allows users of its services to see some of what Google sees about them. The giant advertising company said in a blog post that it will now give users the opportunity to access detailed analysis of, for example, how much email they have sent and information about their top search queries.

These Short Videos from Microsoft Will Help You Do Useful Tasks in Windows 7

Microsoft has a set of short videos about many of the everyday things that anyone using Windows 7 needs to know how to do.

Speed Reading III - Free Download

Speed Reading III is a simple, free tool that tests your reading speed but not your comprehension. It's designed to help you increase your reading speed and concentration, which can boost comprehension.

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