Thursday, April 30, 2015

Microsoft’s Half-a-Week to Shine

It’s a good thing for Microsoft that the tech world was pretty quiet this week, at least for news anyway. Because yesterday, today, and tomorrow was the Microsoft Build Conference in San Francisco. Now, this conference is mainly for independent developers who make applications for the Windows environment.

And right now, Microsoft needs these people badly if they are to succeed with all they have planned. And, they just may have hit a home run. One of their big announcements was the release of coding applications that can take iOS and Android applications and easily convert them for Windows Phone. As you may know, the Windows Phone is a minor player in the smartphone world…at approximately 5% of the user base. Of course, Android and Apple own that universe right now, but Microsoft wants to be a bigger player.

The biggest complaint against Windows Phone is its lack of available application. This latest move by Microsoft may just change that. It is a big mountain for Microsoft to climb to become a player…and frankly I am not sure it is possible at this late stage. It will just take a lot of time.

For us consumers, there was not a lot of news. The biggest story is that Microsoft has finally given their new Web browser a name. It was called Project Spartan…now the new and permanent name is “Edge.” It will be part of the new Windows 10 when it releases later this summer. You can read this and other important bits from the Build Conference in our first story.

And speaking of Windows 10, I got a new Evaluation Build today, and sure enough, Spartan is now called Edge. As I have said here before, I like the Spartan…oops…Edge browser. It is simple and very fast.  As you might expect, every new evaluation build brings new features and you can read about this latest batch in story #3.

Microsoft has big, big plans for the future of Windows, and hopefully they can pull them off. More good information follows, so have a go at it! - JRC


Tech News and Opinions

All the Important Stuff Microsoft Announced at Build 2015

On Wednesday, Microsoft held its (mostly boring!) developer keynote at Build 2015. If you’re not a developer, your eyes might gloss over during the presentation, but there are still some cool features normal users might find interesting.

Microsoft: Windows 10 will be on 1 billion devices in two to three years

The 1 billion figure encompasses all kinds of devices that will be able to run the OS in some flavor, including desktops, PCs, laptops, tablets, Windows Phones, Xbox One, Surface Hub conferencing systems, HoloLens, and various Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Microsoft releases Windows 10 build 10074

On the first day of its Build developers' conference, Microsoft has released a new preview of Windows 10, the third new version in 30 days. Here's what's inside.

Cut the cord and leave cable TV behind

Millions of consumers are now cutting the cord that provides television services while keeping the one that provides broadband internet. Replace traditional broadcasting with video streaming and downloading services so you can access the same television programs you love via the web.

The Best Private Roku Channels, and How to Install Them

As if the Roku didn’t have enough channels already, there’s a decent selection of “private” channels you won’t find in the channel store. Here are some of the best private channels worth checking out.


Computer Tips and Tricks

30 Free & Beautiful Resume Templates To Download

"Making an impressively designed resume from scratch may be a bit of a challenge, especially if you don’t do design for a living. But if you want to give your resume a visually stimulating edge, grab any of these resume templates.

How to Manage Tasks With Evernote

There are a ton of tools that strive to help organize life and maintain productivity. The solution is finding the system that works best for you.

Google launches Chrome extension to thwart phishing on its accounts

Password Alert is a Chrome extension that will warn you if you're about to enter your password in a fake Google account page.

How to free up Google Drive space

Need more space in your Gmail inbox? Time to clear out Google Drive.

Spring cleaning: Should you use a cloud storage service to back up your PC?

Cloud storage or cloud backup -- which is better for backing up your stuff? PS: There are several good firms that can do this besides those mentioned in the article, such as BackBlaze.


Mobile Computing

Want a refund for AT&T's sneaky charges? The deadline is Friday

Mobile subscribers face a May 1 deadline to get reimbursed for "cramming" -- charges for third-party services without consent of a subscriber -- on AT&T phone bills.

Google Now Android app cards

Earlier this year, Google revealed plans take its popular Google Now mobile assistant to the next level by letting third-party apps generate Google Now cards. Google announced that another 70 Android apps can now deliver Google Now cards to your feed.

Ditch your phone's default calendar for one of these apps

Let's face it, the calendar app that came with your phone isn't always the best choice for managing your schedule. Replace it with one of these pretty and helpful alternatives.

Apple's plan to improve the iPhone camera: add another one

Apple is always exploring ways to improve the iPhone camera, and the latest report suggests doubling down on the sensor is the next step

Here's how Microsoft hopes to get Android and iOS phone apps into its Windows 10 Store

Microsoft is enabling Android and iOS apps to come to Windows 10 phones. Here's how this will work.

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