Thursday, December 21, 2006

A New Kind of Anti-Bad Stuff Software

There is a new software product out on the market that detects spyware, viruses, worms, and other kinds of threats to your computer. Called Primary Response Safe Connect, this program is different than any others of its type. Here's why:

Most anti-virus and anti-spyware software requires continuous updates to be effective. If there is some new threat out there and your your software has not been updated to detect it, more than likely it will slip right through your defenses and attack your system. In fact, most companies that make this kind of anti-malware software require a sample before they can defend against it, which means they probably got it from someone who was infected. These types of programs use what is called "string definitions" to detect bad stuff.

Safe Connect is different in that it relies on behavioral techniques to determine if something coming over the Net is a threat. This means that it doesn't code its library on a threat-by-threat basis. It predetermines what the hidden coding will do and determines whether it is a threat or not. This also means that new, previously undetected threats cannot get by it.

PC Magazine did an in-depth review of the product and gave it their Editor's Choice Award. To read the review, head on over to the PC Magazine Website. By the way, it is priced at $24.95.

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