Monday, August 24, 2009

AT&T is Going to Make Some People Angry

Report: AT&T to require smartphone data plans

AT&T customers buying or upgrading to a smartphone must subscribe to a data plan starting September 6, according to reports. Most who buy a smartphone do subscribe, but now you have no choice.

Wal-Mart recalls fiery DVD players

If you have a Durabran DVD player, you should get a fire extinguisher--or head to your local Wal-Mart and return it for a full refund.

OS X: Apple to Set Snow Leopard Loose Friday

Though Apple said at its WWDC conference in June that its next operating system upgrade to OS X, called "Snow Leopard", would come around in September, it looks as though Cupertino's set to spring the software a little early. By pouncing on the market sooner rather than later, Apple could catch extra back-to-school sales and get a leg up on Microsoft, which is set to launch Windows 7 in October.

Twitter getting location data

Biz Stone from Twitter has announced that the service will soon get a new feature in its API: the capability to optionally put geolocation data into tweets. Currently, geo-focused apps like Foursquare must hack location data into updates by linking them to Web pages. Once Twitter lets developers embed geo into tweets themselves, a new and interesting world for developers will likely open up.

Hands On: Windows Live Movie Maker

Microsoft's entry-level consumer video editing software, Windows Live Movie Maker, finally exited beta today. Here's a look at what you can expect from this powerful free download.

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