Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Browser News and a Great Desktop Search Tool

New Firefox patches authentication security holes

Mozilla on Monday released two new versions of Firefox, 3.5.2 and 3.0.13, to patch two critical security holes. You can download the Windows and Mac versions of 3.5.2 from CNET Download.com, or go to Mozilla for the Linux build and Firefox 3.0.13.

Chrome Wants to Steal All of Your PC's RAM

What are they thinking? That's the question that ran through my mind as I pored over the latest Chrome 3.0 beta test data from the exo.performance.network site. It seems that the folks from Mountain View aren't content with securing a privileged spot on your desktop. They want to steal all of your PC's RAM, too.

Smartbooks: The New Netbooks

Yes, there is a difference—one that could have major ramifications in the mobile computing market.

With Yahoo search gone, content becomes king

A new era at Yahoo began the minute CEO Carol Bartz signed the paperwork turning over the right to conduct searches on Yahoo's huge network of Web sites to Microsoft in exchange for 88 percent of the revenue generated by Microsoft's Bing. Now Yahoo is first and foremost a media company, in the business of attracting as many people to its properties as possible in hopes of selling lucrative ad deals on those pages.

Snowbird is a fast, light weight search utility for Windows

Snowbird is a file search utility for Windows that's much faster than the search tools built into Windows XP. But it's also much lighter weight than programs like Google Desktop and Windows Search 4.0 which index every file on your hard drive and save the data in huge index files to speed up future searches. Snowbird doesn't need to be installed to your computer. You can store it on a USB flash drive and run it on any Windows computer.

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