Friday, May 02, 2008

Have You Twittered Yet?

Recently, I joined a fun Web site that I'd previously heard about, but didn't sound all that interesting. Now, I am a full blown member and use it at least once a day. It's called Twitter and can be found at

The purpose of Twitter is very singular and just go on-line and answer the simple question, "What are you doing?" You have only 160 characters to answer. How simple is that? Of course, joining and using it is free...and you would be surprised how many famous and interesting people do it. For instance, in the tech world, guys like Leo LaPorte, John C. Dvorak, Kevin Rose, and many others are Twitterers. There are also some notable folks in the photography world.

Besides being able to write your own entries, you can choose to follow other people's twitters. When I click on the Web site, it takes me to my Twitter home page where I can write an entry and read the entries of people I follow. What is fun is to create your own Twitter group of family or friends and follow them and their entries.

If you have been to my Web site or my Rants and Raves blog site, you will see in the left column my latest Twitter entries (I will do it shortly for my Postcards blog, but have been too focused on just getting it up and running). I try to make my twitters about my business, photographic, or artistic endeavors. You will never see entries about what I had for dinner or other mundane information.

You can click on the link at the bottom of my entries to follow me on Twitter, but, of course, you need a free account first. I already have a few people following my exploits, but I will make you deal...if you click that link to follow me, I am notified by e-mail, so I will then click on you and add you to the people I follow.

If this sounds like fun, head over to the Twitter Web Site and read more, then join if you want. My Twitter name, by the way, is jcorkrum.

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