Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Good Info on Windows 7…and more

Windows 7 beta 1 performance - How does the OS compare to Vista and XP?

How does Windows 7 beta 1 compare to Vista and XP in terms of performance? That’s a question that’s been hitting Kingsley-Hughes' inbox regularly over the past few weeks. Spoiler alert...tests shows that Windows 7 blows the doors off of both XP and Vista.

Six Vista annoyances fixed in Windows 7 | Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report

Early reports on Windows 7 are coming in fast and furious from tech writers. Most reports show that Windows 7 may be a winner. In this post, Ed Botts show you six specific annoyances from Windows Vista that are fixed in Windows 7. Each one represents an easier, more efficient way to accomplish a common task. Collectively, they constitute some pretty persuasive evidence that “have it our way” is no longer the controlling design principle among Windows’ designers.

Obama urges Congress to postpone DTV transition

President-elect Barack Obama's transition team on Thursday asked Congress to consider postponing the upcoming national switch to digital television, warning that more congressional action is needed to address potential problems.

Googlepedia for Firefox brings Wikipedia to you

If you're one whose search results lead you to a Wikipedia page nine times out of ten, you would do well to install the Googlepedia extension for Firefox. This free, terrifically easy add-on pulls the Wikipedia article most closely associated with your search term into the right half of a Google search results page. Modest controls let you expand, shrink, or hide the article.

A List of Fake Anti-Spyware

Here is a partial list of fake anti-spyware programs that you may see advertised on the Internet. Do not get these. Not listed are AntiVirus 360 and Antivirus 2009, also fakes with deadly payloads.

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