Friday, January 16, 2009

What is Cloud Computing…and more

Defogging cloud computing |Editor's Blog | Eric Knorr | InfoWorld

So many vendors have jumped on the cloud computing bandwagon, the phrase already risks jumping the shark. The problem is that "cloud computing" has two distinctly different meanings: The use of commercial Internet-based services, and the architecture for building and deploying such services.

Windows 7 on older hardware: A Catch 22 for Microsoft

There are a few bloggers wondering aloud about how well Windows 7 ultimately is going to run on older hardware. That’s an interesting question, given Microsoft’s symbiotic relationship with its hardware partners who constantly are in search of new ways to convince users to buy pricier PCs.

System Explorer 1.5 (Windows), from Mister Group - Free Downloads on ZDNet

This free, full-featured system analyzing tool lets you take a sneak peek at everything that's going on in your system, from currently active processes to installed drivers, including also network collections, startup applications and Internet Explorer add-ons, if you have any.

Notebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down

Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.

Inside Google's Gmail: What's next? | Webware - CNET

Earlier this week, a CNet reporter sat down with Gmail Product Manager Todd Jackson to talk about the future of the service and to find out what's been keeping the team busy behind the scenes. Here are five tidbits from the meeting you might find interesting.

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