Monday, December 20, 2004

Christmas E-Card May Hide Virus

In the spirit of the holiday season, someone has created a new virus that disguises itself in a Christmas e-card from a friend. The virus, called Atak.H, poses as a Christmas or New Year greeting.

The virus is similar to the Zafi worm currently causing havoc on the Internet, spreads to all the addresses in a victim's address book. But unlike the multilingual Zafi, Atak only sends itself in English. If there is any good news, the virus does not contain a Trojan horse, a tool that virus writers often use to take remote control of computers.

The worm contains the subject line "Merry X-Mas!" or "Happy New Year!" The body of the text reads: "Happy New year and wish you good luck on next year."

You have been warned!

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