Monday, December 27, 2004

Update on On-Line DVD Rentals

Last week, I wrote about Blockbuster and their new low on-line DVD rental price of $14.99 per month. I also said that I expected Netflix to lower their prices.

Well, I was incorrect. Netflix is now on the record as saying they will not lower their prices any further. The reason is the oldest in the book...profitability. Let me explain.

When I signed up with Netflix a few years ago, the price was $19.95 per month. Earlier this year, they raised their price to $21.95. Then, in November, they lowered their price to $17.99 per month in anticipation of Blockbuster's new rental policy and in anticipation of getting into the business.

When they announced their new lower prices in October, their stock price took a major tumble. They don't dare lower their profitability anymore. But, in their latest announcement regarding Blockbuster, Netflix said that by lowering their prices to $14.99, Blockbuster is telling the world that video rental stores are obsolete. And they might have a good point.

Blockbuster still sells their monthly video in-store plan for $25 while selling the same service on-line for $14.99. They are, in effect, telling people to shop on-line. Netflix feels that this will drive a lot of consumers out of Blockbuster stores to them.

Blockbuster also recently changed their late fee policies. Now, after a short grace period, late customers will automatically be charged the full price for the DVD and will now own it. Since late fees account for a fair portion of the company's income, this new policy did not sit well with stock market analysts. In fact, with this policy and the new on-line rental fee, some analysts have move Blockbuster's stock to a "Sell" rating. The "StockScouter" rating system currently rates their stock at 2 out of 10, meaning it is a very risky purchase.

Blockbuster will also be spending more money on 28 new on-line distribution centers around the country rather than building new stores.

And as one final point, Wal-Mart has been selling their on-line service for a few months now at the rate of $15.54 per month and it has not dented the Netflix share of the market.

I am not sure what all this means for us consumers, except that I am still not changing my position and will stay with Netflix. You just can't beat good customer service. I mailed a movie back on Friday, it got there today (Monday) and my new movie will be here Wednesday. And I still have over 25,000 titles to choose from for my next rental.

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