Sunday, December 12, 2004

Doublecheck Your Spyware Protection

Today's web log is about spyware. And for this one, I am going to give you the bottom line right at the top of the article:

  1. If you don't have the software known as "Spybot – Search and Destroy," download it today. It is free (Link is at the bottom of this article). Do it now…I will wait for you to finish.
  2. If you have this software, check which version you have. If you have version 1.2 or less, download version 1.3 and install it right on top of your old version.
  3. If you have version 1.3, check and see if there are any updates available. You can do this right inside the program when it is running. If there are updates, download and install them. The program will handle this for you. Once a week, check again for updates.
  4. After you check for existing spyware, wipe out the spyware that the software has found, then run "Immunization" so that spyware can't re-infect your computer.

OK. Now I will tell you the story that would normally be written above the bottom line. I have long recommended "Spybot" as the best program to protect your computer against spyware. It finds and destroys spyware and it can immunize your computer against re-infection. The software's authors also update the spyware definitions on a regular basis.

But recently I became aware of some issues with Spybot that you should know. We recently purchased a new computer for Susan. And when I set it all up, I downloaded the latest version of Spybot to protect her computer. During the installation process, I noticed that this latest version, 1.3, seemed to block more spyware than my two personal computers. So, I decided to check.

My laptop and my desk computer both had version 1.2. I checked for updates on a regular basis and did so again and found there were no new updates. So, on a hunch, I downloaded Version 1.3 and installed it right over the top of my old version. I also downloaded the latest updates for 1.3, then ran the program.

And guess what? There was spyware on my computer. I repeated the process on my laptop and found even more spyware on it. Even though I stayed on top with updates for version 1.2, new spyware found its way on to my computer. All I can assume is that the software's authors don't keep updating definitions for older versions. I am very glad I checked and hope you do so also. If you use some other spyware protection, be sure and check if there are any updates available.

Spyware is like viruses. Someone is always coming out new versions that bypass spyware detection software. Spyware detection software authors are continually writing updates, but it is up to us to update our computers.

It is a pet peeve of mine that individuals and corporations can continue to plant spyware in my computer without my permission. The good news is there is legislation pending in Congress aimed at stopping spyware infections, although I remain dubious about its possible success.

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